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Quickstart instructions


  1. Peak list (see instructions)
  2. NMRPipe frequency domain dataset (2D or Pseudo 3D)

There are four main commands.

  1. peakipy read converts your peak list into a .csv file and selects clusters of peaks.
  2. peakipy edit is used to check and adjust fit parameters interactively (i.e clusters and mask radii) if initial clustering is not satisfactory.
  3. peakipy fit fits clusters of peaks using the .csv peak list generated (or edited) by the read (edit) script(s).
  4. peakipy check is used to check individual fits or groups of fits and make plots.

Head to the instructions section for a description of how to run these scripts. You can also use the --help flag for instructions on how to run the programs from the command line (e.g peakipy read --help).

How to install peakipy

Clone the peakipy repository from github:

git clone
cd peakipy; poetry install

If you don't have poetry I refer you to the poetry documentation for more details.

At this point the package should be installed and the main scripts (peakipy read, peakipy edit, peakipy fit and peakipy check) should have been added to your path.

pip install peakipy

Below is an example of an installation script and a basic use case :

# make a virtual environment #
python3.10 -m venv peakipy_env;
source peakipy_env/bin/activate;

# install peakipy            #
pip install --upgrade pip;
pip install peakipy;

#  process some data!        #
peakipy read peaks.a2 test.ft2 a2 --y-radius-ppm 0.213 --show;
peakipy edit peaks.csv test.ft2; # adjust fitting parameters
peakipy fit peaks.csv test.ft2 fits.csv --vclist vclist --max-cluster-size 15; # assuming you saved edited peaklist as peaks.csv
# interactive checking
peakipy check fits.csv test.ft2 --clusters 1 --clusters 2 --clusters 3 --colors purple green --show --outname tmp.pdf;
# plots all the fits (first plane only)
peakipy check fits.csv test.ft2 --first --colors purple green --show;

Run this above code by sourcing the file e.g. source file_containing_commands


I recommend using a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv peakipy_venv

Then activate (bash):

source peakipy_venv/bin/activate

or (csh):

source peakipy_venv/bin/activate.csh

Once activated you can install peakipy with pip or poetry.


The latest version (2.0.0) of peakipy requires Python 3.10 or above (see pyproject.toml for details).

peakipy version 0.2.0 which runs on Python 3.8 can be installed in the following ways:

git clone --branch v0.2
cd peakipy
poetry install


pip install peakipy==0.2.0