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First you need a peak list in either Sparky, CCPNMRv2 (Analysis2), CCPNMRv3 (assign) or NMRPipe format.

Example of a tab delimited peak table exported directly from CCPNMRv3 assign:

#   Pid Spectrum    PeakList    Id  Assign F1   Assign F2   Pos F1  Pos F2  LW F1 (Hz)  LW F2 (Hz)  Height  HeightError Volume  VolumeError Merit   Annotation  Comment
0   1   PK:test1_projection_H_N.1.1 test1_projection_H_N    1   1           10.380684043013412  129.32603752049937  14.179313120050438  18.675223392932594  66224788.0      None        1.0     
1   2   PK:test1_projection_H_N.1.2 test1_projection_H_N    1   2           9.335853185661527   129.6732286432531   14.962974392261438  18.644570222511447  39807284.0      None        1.0     
2   3   PK:test1_projection_H_N.1.3 test1_projection_H_N    1   3           9.185077855609203   128.66553436519882  13.786411378949163  18.70449353638719   56258792.0      None        1.0


Empty Assign F1 and Assign F2 column rows will be replaced with dummy labels. Duplicated assignments will also be appended with dummy labels. This table can be exported from CCPNMRv3 assign by opening your peak list of interest as a module with the following steps:

  • select peaks (Ctrl/Cmd + a)
  • right click and select Export All Columns
  • Save in .tsv format (tab separated) by using the dropdown for Files of type.

Example of tab delimited peak list exported directly from Analysis2:

Number  #       Position F1     Position F2     Sampled None    Assign F1       Assign F2       Assign F3       Height  Volume  Line Width F1 (Hz)  Line Width F2 (Hz)      Line Width F3 (Hz)      Merit   Details Fit Method      Vol. Method
1       1       9.33585 129.67323       2.00000  {23}H[45]       {23}N[46]       2.0    3.91116e+07     2.14891e+08     15.34578        19.24590    None    1.00000 None    parabolic       box sum
2       2       10.38068        129.32604       2.00000  {9}H[17]        {9}N[18]        2.0    6.61262e+07     3.58137e+08     15.20785        19.76284        None    1.00000 None    parabolic       box sum


Position F1 and Position F2 are often flipped (i.e. F1=x and F2=y). I think this happens by default with Analysis2, however, you can chastise me for being an idiot if I'm wrong. peakipy read will flip them automatically, so beware. If you have "correctly" labelled columns then you can use --posF1 <column_name> and --posF2 <column_name> to define which column names map to Y_PPM and X_PPM, respectively.


Assignment  w1  w2
PeakOne 118 7.5
PeakTwo 119 7.4

Also accepted:

Assignment         w1         w2        Volume   Data Height   lw1 (hz)   lw2 (hz)
    ALA8N-H    123.410      7.967   2.25e+08      15517405       15.8       20.5
PHE12N-H    120.353      8.712   3.20e+08      44377264        9.3       16.6

Default peak list generated by NMRDraw (e.g.

FORMAT %5d %9.3f %9.3f %6.3f %6.3f %8.3f %8.3f %9.3f %9.3f %7.3f %7.3f %8.3f %8.3f %4d %4d %4d %4d %+e %+e %+e %.5f %d %s %4d %4d


    1   159.453    10.230  0.006  0.004    9.336  129.673  7471.831 10516.882   2.886   2.666   16.937   20.268  159  160    9   11 +2.564241e+07 +2.505288e+04 +1.122633e+08 0.00000 1 None    1    1
    2    17.020    13.935  0.002  0.002   10.381  129.326  8307.740 10488.713   2.671   2.730   15.678   20.752   16   18   13   15 +4.326169e+07 +2.389882e+04 +2.338556e+08 0.00000 1 None    2    1

NMRPipe data

The input data should be either an NMRPipe 2D or 3D cube. The dimension order can be specified with the --dims flag. For example, if you have a 2D spectrum with shape (F1_size,F2_size) then you should call the scripts using --dims 0 --dims 1. If you have a 3D cube with shape (F2_size,F1_size,ID) then you would run the scripts with --dims 2 --dims 1 --dims 0 ([F2,ID,F1] would be --dims 1 --dims 2 --dims 0 i.e the indices required to reorder to 0,1,2). The default dimension order is ID,F1,F2 (--dims 0 --dims 1 --dims 2).

peakipy read

Here is an example of how to read a Sparky peaklist:

peakipy read peaks.sparky test.ft2 sparky --show

This will convert your peak list into a pandas DataFrame and use threshold_otsu from scikit-image to determine a cutoff for selecting overlapping peaks. These are subsequently grouped into clusters ("CLUSTID" column a la NMRPipe!). The new peak list with selected clusters is saved as a csv file peaks.csv to be used as input for either peakipy edit or peakipy fit. It is possible to set the threshold value manually using the --thres option. However, it may be preferable to adjust this parameter using peakipy edit.

Clustered peaks are colour coded and singlet peaks are black (shown below). If you want to edit this plot after running peakipy read then you can edit show_clusters.yml and re-plot using spec show_clusters.yml. Below is an example of a clustered peak list.


The threshold level can be adjusted with the --thres option like so:

peakipy read peaks.sparky test.ft2 sparky --show --thres 1e6

This will exclude signals below 1e6.

It is also possible to adjust the clustering behaviour by changing the structuring element used for binary closing.

peakipy read peaks.sparky test.ft2 --dims 0 --dims 1 --dims 2 --struc-el disk --struc-size 4 0 --show

The above would use a disk shaped structuring element with a radius of 4 points (see the scikit-image.morphology module for more information).

The radii used for masking the data to be fitted can be adjusted by setting the --x-radius-ppm and --y-radius-ppm flags like so (values given in ppm)... :

peakipy read peaks.sparky test.ft2 sparky --dims 0 --dims 1 --dims 2 --y-radius-ppm 0.2 --x-radius-ppm 0.04

Note: peakipy read will generate a peakipy.config which is subsequently read by edit, fit and check so that the --dims option is not required after running peakipy read. :

        "dims": [

peakipy edit

If the automatic clustering is not satisfactory you can manually adjust clusters and fitting start parameters using peakipy edit. :

peakipy edit <peaklist> <nmrdata>

This command will start a bokeh server and cause a tab to open in your internet browser in which you can interactively edit peak fitting parameters.


Use the table on the right to select the cluster(s) you are interested and double click to edit values in the table. For example if you think peak1 should be fitted with peak2 but they have different clustids then you can simply change peak2's clustid to match peak1's.

Once a set of peaks is selected (or at least one peak within a cluster) you can manually adjust their starting parameters for fitting (including the X and Y radii for the fitting mask, using the sliders).

The effect of changing these parameters can be visualised by clicking on the Fit selected button which will cause a matplotlib wireframe plot to popup. Note that you must close this matplotlib interactive window before continuing with parameter adjustments (I will try and add a 3D visualisation that works in the browser...). You will need to have your interactive backend correctly configured by editing your matplotlibrc file. If you don't know where that is then you can find it by importing matplotlib into your Python interpreter and typing matplotlib.get_data_path(). If you have trouble with opening interactive matplotlib my first suggestion is to check that you have a matplotlibrc file placed in your home directory ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc with the backend option set to either TkAgg or Agg. These usually work... :

    backend: TkAgg

or :

    backend: Agg

or for Mac users :

    backend: macosx

for example.

To test other peak clustering settings you can adjust the contour level (akin to changing --thres) or adjust the dimensions of the structuring element used for binary closing.


If you like the parameters you have chosen then you can save the peak list using the save button. If you want to return to your edited peak list at a later stage then run peakipy edit with the edited peak list as your <peaklist> argument.

Clicking Quit closes the bokeh server.

Peaks can be added via the tap button on the right side of the spectrum. Once the tap button is activated then peaks are added to the spectrum by double clicking at the desired position.

peakipy fit

Once you are satisfied with your fitting parameters peakipy fit can be run using the peak list generated by peakipy read or edit_peaks (e.g. edited_peaks.csv).

For example...

peakipy fit edited_peaks.csv test.ft2 fits.csv --dims 0 --dims 1 --dims 2 --lineshape PV

Fits that are likely to need checking are flagged in the log.txt file.

If you have a vclist style file containing your delay values then you can run peakipy fit with the --vclist option:

peakipy fit edited_peaks.csv test.ft2 fits.csv --lineshape PV --vclist vclist

This will result in an extra column being added to your fits.csv file called vclist containing the corresponding delay values.

Checking fits

To plot fits for all planes or interactively check them you can run peakipy check:

peakipy check fits.csv test.ft2 --clusters 1 --clusters 10 --clusters 20 --show --outname plot.pdf

Will plot clusters 1,10 and 20 showing each plane in an interactive matplotlib window and save the plots to a multipage pdf called plot.pdf. Calling peakipy check with the --first flag results in only the first plane of each fit being plotted. The colour or output plots can be changed using the --colors like so:

peakipy check fits.csv test1.ft2 --colors green purple --clusters 30 --show --outname plot.pdf --first

Custom colouring

Only valid matplotlib color names can be used.

Run peakipy check --help for more options.

Excluding peaks

Peaks can be excluded from fitting by changing the value in the include column from yes to no (in the .csv file containing your peak list). The easiest way to do this is via the peakipy edit script.


Initial parameters for FWHM, peak centers and fraction are fitted from the sum of all planes in your spectrum (for best signal to noise). Following this, the default method is to fix the center, linewidth and fraction parameters only fitting the amplitudes for each plane. If you want to float all parameters, this can be done with --fix None or you could just float the linewidths and amplitudes with --fix fraction --fix center.


  1. Pandas DataFrame containing fitted intensities/linewidths/centers etc:

  2. log.txt contains fit reports for all fits

  3. If --plot <path> option selected when running peakipy fit, the first plane of each fit will be plotted in \<path> with the files named according to the cluster ID (clustid) of the fit. Adding --show option calls on each fit so you can see what it looks like. However, using peakipy check should be preferable since plotting the fits during fitting slows down the process a lot.

You can explore the output data conveniently with pandas. :

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: data = pd.read_csv("fits.csv")

In [4]: groups = data.groupby("assignment")

In [5]: for ind, group in groups:
   ...:     plt.errorbar(group.vclist,group.amp,yerr=group.amp_err,fmt="o",label=group.assignment.iloc[0])
   ...:     plt.legend()